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How to Juggle

One Ball

Start with one ball. Throw it from one hand and catch it in the other. Aim for an arc shape, just above your forehead, at the same height every throw. Practice until you can do this easily in both directions.

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Two Balls

Hold one ball in each hand. Throw the first ball in the same arc as before and when it reaches its peak, throw the second ball under the arc of the first, keeping the height consistent and catch the falling balls with the oppostite hand. Continue this pattern: throw, throw, catch, catch - until you can do this easily.

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Three Balls

Hold two balls in one hand and one ball in the other. Start by throwing one ball from the hand with two balls. When the first ball reaches its peak, throw the second ball from the other hand, like before. As the second ball reaches its peak, catch the descending ball and immediately toss the third ball. Keep repeating and see how many you can do in a row. It might take time, so be patient and remember practice makes perfect. If you are struggling, try with one or two balls for a while longer. If you still find it hard, why not have a go at scarf juggling - this can be easier to learn as the scarves fall slower, so gives you more time to think about the moves.

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